Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tag - We're It!

Clayton's Answers, Sarah's Answers

1. What is your current obsession?
Wedding invitations, I need to pick on out!
Fun size snickers bars.

2. What do you hate that everyone else seems to love?
Dr. Pepper…. Gross!
Fruits in general

3. What are you wearing today?
Pink shirt, white jacket and brown pants.
Work clothes.

4. What’s for dinner?
Not sure yet… Cheetos?!?!
Power bar and airbourne!

5. What would you eat for your last meal?
Brazilian food and any desert from Gourmandise Bakery.
Lobster and a king size snickers bar.

6. What is the last thing you bought?
A new battery for the laptop.

7. What are you listening to right now?
Bride Wars.
Sports talk

8. If you could have a house- fully paid for and totally furnished – anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Spain, Italy… I can think of a lot of places.
Accra, Ghana

9. If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would it be?
Bora Bora, it would be nice to be somewhere tropical and warm.
Costa Rica

10. What is one of your hobbies?
Puzzles, I know I'm a dork!
Watching TV

11. Favorite thing you did this summer?
We went to Costa Rica, that was a lot of fun!
Costa Rica too.

12. What is your favorite color?
I'm loving turquoise!

13. What is your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe?
My new plaid shirt that I swear, everytime people take pictures of me I'm wearing it! haha
My suit.

14. What is your dream job?
To work for the show "What Not To Wear" and give people make overs.

15. Describe your personal style?
I would say plain, but classy.
Whatever does not have a stain!

16. What is your favorite tree?
That's lame! Who has a favorite tree???
I don't know…maybe apple.

17. What are you going to do after this?
Do some actual work while I'm at work!
Drive, work

18. What is your favorite fruit?
Right now, I'm loving pears.

19. What inspires you?
I'm not a creative person, I don't get inspired, but I get motivated by success.
Steve Young

20. Who was the last person that you kissed?

21. What are you currently reading?
The Time Traveler's Wife (I just can't seem to finish it!!)
No books currently reading.

22. What delighted you the most today?
My new laptop case, it's pink and very cute!

23. If you bought a wiener dog today, what would you name it?
I can only think of one name for a wiener dog and it's Mojo. It would be named after my friend's wiener dog.
Beast Master

24. What is your most memorable dream?
Lately, I keep having crazy dreams about my wedding. Like I forget to send out invitations or something like that!
I don't know…. Can't remember any!

25.What have you been avoiding that you can do today?
Doing work at work!
Some emails

26. Describe yourself in one word.

The rules:
1.Respond and rework; answer the questions on your blog, replace one question you dislike with a question of your own.
2. Tag five other people- Marci, Jessika, Natalie, Camilla and Amber

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memorial Weekend

We had a pretty busy memorial weekend.  We went hiking up North Canyon, we went to a driving range to hit a bucket of balls  (I could probably throw the balls farther than I could hit them!) and we saw Terminator and Star Trek.  We're going to have to take it easy for the next few weekends! :) 

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Costa Rica

Clayton and I went to Costa Rica again a couple of weeks ago.  It was nice to just get away and relax.  The weather was perfect.

We drove by this bridge where there were a few crocodiles below.  It was scary just looking at them! 
We went on a buggie ride on the beach and up in the mountains while we where there.
It was really pretty.  I felt like we were on the island off LOST!
Clayton made a new friend!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

It's about time for an update!

To celebrate our 4 year anniversary, Clayton and I went to the Melting Pot.  We love that place, the desert is the best part of the whole meal !

I can't leave Clayton alone cause he will go out and buy a SNUGGIE! He actually likes it and wears it around the house..... I just can't believe that he bought one!!!

Last but not least, my brother and his wife had a baby a week ago.  It's so exciting to have a new nephew (Ethan), I know he's my nephew.... but he's so cute!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Clayton's Birthday

Last week was Clayton's birthday and he just wanted to take it slow after all the rush from the holidays.  So we just went to Flemings for dinner and to make his birthday better ... we sat next to Carlos Boozer from the Jazz!  

We also went out to dinner with his family to celebrate his and Jeff's birthdays.  

Of course, we had to go to Chuck-a-rama for one of his birthday dinners.  Clayon loves that place and we made a deal that we have to go there for his birthday every year. 

Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Holidays

Clayton and I try to split our time during the holidays between our families.  We usually spend Christmas eve with my family and Christmas day with his.  This is us at my brother's house for Christmas eve this year.  

My very cute nephew Daniel and my sister Jenny.  I don't think I've ever heard him cry!

Clayton was showing off his skills on rock band.  He looks so serious when he plays!

We got to spend the turn of the year at our friend's house.  

We spent New Year's day at my sister's house.  As a tradition in my family, we always have japanese food.  It's always a lot of work to make it all but it's always worth it when it's time to eat!

My brother Alex and Steve boxing on the Wii.  You always laugh at other people when they are playing it but when it's your turn... you end up looking just as dumb! haha

Jenny and Jon just got the cutest chocolate lab puppy. We just wanted to take it home with us!