Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memorial Weekend

We had a pretty busy memorial weekend.  We went hiking up North Canyon, we went to a driving range to hit a bucket of balls  (I could probably throw the balls farther than I could hit them!) and we saw Terminator and Star Trek.  We're going to have to take it easy for the next few weekends! :) 

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Costa Rica

Clayton and I went to Costa Rica again a couple of weeks ago.  It was nice to just get away and relax.  The weather was perfect.

We drove by this bridge where there were a few crocodiles below.  It was scary just looking at them! 
We went on a buggie ride on the beach and up in the mountains while we where there.
It was really pretty.  I felt like we were on the island off LOST!
Clayton made a new friend!